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kurt stavenhagen

Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds | The New Yorker - 1 views

  • toilets, zippers, and cylinder locks. They were then asked to write detailed, step-by-step explanations of how the devices work, and to rate their understanding again. Apparently, the effort revealed to the students their own ignorance, because their self-assessments dropped
  • illusion of explanatory depth,
  • People believe that they know way more than they actually do
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • no sharp boundary between one person’s ideas and knowledge” and “those of other members” of the group
  • favor (or oppose) an immigration ban without knowing what I’m talking about
  • The farther off base they were about the geography, the more likely they were to favor military intervention
  • As a rule, strong feelings about issues do not emerge from deep understanding,”
  • If your position on, say, the Affordable Care Act is baseless and I rely on it, then my opinion is also baseless.
  • much detail as they could, the impacts of implementing each one. Most people at this point ran into trouble
  • pent less time pontificating and more trying to work through the implications of policy proposals, we’d realize how clueless we are and moderate our views.
  • science is as a system that corrects for people’s natural inclinations
  • by researchers who have no motive to confirm them. And this, it could be argued, is why the system has proved so successful.
  • field may be dominated by squabbles, but, in the end, the methodology prevails
  • experience genuine pleasure—a rush of dopamine—when processing information that supports their beliefs. “It feels good to ‘stick to our guns’ even if we are wrong,
  • At this point, something curious happened. The students in the high-score group said that they thought they had, in fact, done quite well—significantly better than the average student—even though, as they’d just been told, they had zero grounds for believing this
  • Once formed,” the researchers observed dryly, “impressions are remarkably perseverant.”
  • Even after the evidence “for their beliefs has been totally refuted, people fail to make appropriate revisions in those beliefs,” the researchers noted
  • that reasonable-seeming people are often totally irrational
  • “confirmation bias,” the tendency people have to embrace information that supports their beliefs and reject information that contradicts them.
  • Those who’d started out pro-capital punishment were now even more in favor of it; those who’d opposed it were even more hostile.
  • Such a mouse, “bent on confirming its belief that there are no cats around,” would soon be dinner.
  • we’re quite adept at spotting the weaknesses. Almost invariably, the positions we’re blind about are our own.
  • ewer than fifteen per cent changed their minds in step two.
  • getting screwed by the other members of our group.
  • There was little advantage in reasoning clearly, while much was to be gained from winning arguments
  • roviding people with accurate information doesn’t seem to help; they simply discount it. Appealing to their emotions may work better, but doing so is obviously antithetical to the goal of promoting sound science. “The challenge that remains,” they write toward the end of their book, “is to figure out how to address the tendencies that lead to false scientific belief.
kurt stavenhagen

Did that New York magazine climate story freak you out? Good. - Vox - 0 views

  • He simply says that there’s lots of carbon buried in the permafrost and, as the ice melts, the carbon is released as methane, which is 86 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide (on a short- to mid-term basis). That is true.
    • kurt stavenhagen
      Partly correct appraisal here. The carbon is not likely to be released as methane!
  • One set of satellite data was updated, it falls in line with the rest, and warming is happening roughly on the schedule models predicted (which, as Mann notes, is plenty fast enough).
  • So that’s one close call and one error, which together constitute, by my rough calculation, about a fiftieth of the factual claims in WW’s piece. The rest, as far as I know, stands.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • But Wallace-Wells’ piece was not about that. It was about what will happen if we keep on as-is.
  • He’s merely describing what could happen if we cease to act, which no one wants ... except one of the two major political parties in the world’s most powerful country, including the man in charge of the executive branch and military
    • kurt stavenhagen
      Kairotic here? Given the situation politically, does Wallace-Wells have more latitude to explore the worst case scenario?
    • kurt stavenhagen
      Intriguing shift to the social dynamics. 
  • There’s been a sort of general failure of imagination that means we’ve accepted what’s the median-likely outcome as a worst-case scenario. As a result we’ve been a bit handicapped in thinking about how much action needs to be taken.
  • Things stay roughly as they are” is just as improbable as the worst-case scenario he lays out, yet I’d venture to guess it is believed (or more importantly, envisioned) by vastly more people. Part of that is because envisioning the best-case scenario is easy — it looks just like now! — while envisioning the worst-case scenario is very difficult. It’s especially difficult because the worst-case scenario is treated by the very few people who understand it as a kind of forbidden occult knowledge to which ordinary people cannot survive exposure. Nobody can talk about it without getting scolded by the hope police.
  • it’s just weird for journalists and analysts to worry about overly alarming people regarding the biggest, scariest problem humanity has ever faced.
  • When there are important things that people don’t understand, journalists should explain those things. Attempts at dime-store social psychology are unlikely to lead to better journalism.
  • nobody really knows anything. Even if there are accurate statements about how people in general respond to messages in general, they won’t tell you much about how you ought to communicate with the people you want to reach.
    • kurt stavenhagen
      Yes! Applied rhetoric: no longer do general bromides apply; context and timing is everthing; if as the saying goes all politics are ultimately local, then all rhetoric is ultimately local.
  • Similarly, the dry, hedged language of science is not the only serious or legitimate way to communicate, though climate scientists often mistake it as such.
  • consciously pitched to reach and inspire some mythical average reader (as encountered in social science studies filtered through popular journalism) tends to be flavorless and dull.
  • engineering
  • a climate system that will now go to war with us for many centuries, perhaps until it destroys us.
  • it is another thing entirely to consider the possibility that we have only provoked it
  • I just try to communicate like I would like to be communicated to, frankly and clearly, as though I’m talking to a friend in a bar.
kurt stavenhagen

When Will Climate Change Make the Earth Too Hot For Humans? - 0 views

    • kurt stavenhagen
    • kurt stavenhagen
      Does plausibility work for this topic? Sharing of fear that paralyzes?
  • set of propositions that animated the project from the start: that the public does not appreciate the scale of climate risk; that this is in part because we have not spent enough time contemplating the scarier half of the distribution curve of possibilities, especially its brutal long tail, or the risks beyond sea-level rise; that there is journalistic and public-interest value in spreading the news from the scientific community, no matter how unnerving it may be; and that, when it comes to the challenge of climate change, public complacency is a far, far bigger problem than widespread fatalism — that many, many more people are not scared enough than are already “too scared.” In fact, I don’t even understand what “too scared” would mean. The science says climate change threatens nearly every aspect of human life on this planet, and that inaction will hasten the problems. In that context, I don’t think it’s a slur to call an article, or its writer, alarmist. I’ll accept that characterization. We should be alarmed.
  • But no matter how well-informed you are, you are surely not alarmed enough
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • But no matter how well-informed you are, you are surely not alarmed enough
kurt stavenhagen

Comments on Why they're wrong | The Economist - 0 views

  • There have been some real gains in middle-class jobs by giving tax incentives to multinationals to set up headquarters here, but those can go quite quickly if somebody gives a better incentive somewhere else. This is the situation at the peak, when Panama has absorbed tons of capital from Venezuela's collapse, and just finished going through a gigantic real-estate boom. Things are starting to go downhill now - and of course, that means going back to the status quo which is considerably more precarious to the original one before the boom. Basically, there were beneficiaries, but in the end, everything "inneficient" (read: not owned by multinationals or national champions) got axed. In conclusion, the world is being enslaved by multinationals and whoever benefits is at their mercy.
    • kurt stavenhagen
      Seems truth; multinationals rule.
  • It is hard to imagine, 173 years later, a leading Western newspaper discussing globalization without a mere mention of its ecological implications. Are humans better off in the short term pillaging every last acre of rainforest and sapping every last drip of oil from under the earth rather than living more modestly and sustainably? YES. Is that ordained avariciousness hurtling us towards ecological catastrophe? This newspaper is not qualified to say, and shouldn't stake claims to anything but its unapologetic defence of the dismal science. Critical thinkers should halt abruptly the comforting lullaby that prompts (apparently) the likes of Larry Ellison to say "I used to think, now I read the Economist". They should look up from their chequebooks long enough to see the impact of the ecological warfare that this newspaper has championed for generations. We must improve globalization, but not before we rebalance capitalism. Natural capital MUST be taken into the equation for our species (and particularly those in fragile economies) to have a chance of flourishing beyond the quarterly reports, annual bonuses and election cycles that keep us chained to our myopic greed.
  • I am really surprised the economist allowed such a generic article in favour of free trade to be published.
kurt stavenhagen

Why they're wrong | The Economist - 0 views

  • But there is a world of difference between improving globalisation and reversing it.
    • kurt stavenhagen
      reverse? stretching the terms of the debate?
  • The annual cost to American consumers of switching to non-Chinese tyres after Barack Obama slapped on anti-dumping tariffs in 2009 was around $1.1 billion, according to the Peterson Institute for International Economics. That amounts to over $900,000 for each of the 1,200 jobs that were “saved”
  • Perhaps a fifth of the 6m or so net job losses in American manufacturing between 1999 and 2011 stemmed from Chinese competition; many of those who lost jobs did not find new ones.
    • kurt stavenhagen
      Again, selecting data? What about other countries? Mexico, for example?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • As our special report this week argues, more must be done to tackle these downsides. America spends a paltry 0.1% of its GDP, one-sixth of the rich-country average, on policies to retrain workers and help them find new jobs.
Emily Vargas

Record number of homeless children enrolled in public schools, new data show - 0 views

  • U.S. public schools are now enrolling a record number of homeless children and youth — over 1.1 million — with the largest populations in California, New York, Texas and Florida
  • that a majority of students in public schools throughout the American South and West are poor for the  first time in at least four decades.
  • The District of Columbia saw a 22 percent increase from 2010-11 to 2011-12; Maryland a 7 percent increase; and Virginia a 15 percent increase.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • or the 2011-12 school year, are 10 percent higher than the year before and 72 percent higher than before the recession. Still, the reported figure — 1,168,354 homeless students — is known to actually underestimate the number of homeless children across the United States.
  • Advocates for children and the homeless urged the federal government to take new steps to better protect homeless children and families.  Darla Bardine, policy director of the National Network for Youth, said in a statement:
Emily Vargas

On-campus living may not stay free for charter school's students | The Kennebec Journal... - 0 views

  • Good Will-Hinckley organization, which provides housing to students at the Maine Academy of Natural Sciences, is enacting a sliding fee scale for boarding costs, which are currently free to all students and are paid for in part by the school and in part by the state.
  • Legislative bills that could potentially take funding away from charter schools and a bill that would end or reduce state funds for boarding at the Good Will-Hinckley campus played a role in the decision,
  • said the change will not affect all students who wish to live at the school.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • We will make it happen, whether we use state funds, money from our private foundation or if we have to raise it through scholarships," he said.
  • To help with the process, the school will use a tuition management company to assess the needs of students,
  • The top priority is to make sure that low-income students from around the state can still attend the school,
  • The school currently boards 27 of its 44 students
  • hey plan to enroll about 75 students in the coming school year and board 37,
  • "It's still up in the air. The number depends on the need of all the students, and the money we have available from the state,"
  • It originally opened with just 19 students in 2011 on the Good Will-Hinckley campus,
  • The residential housing option is available through the school's parent organization, Good Will-Hinckley, which also oversees the L.C. Bates Museum and the Glenn Stratton Learning Center on the campus.
    Good Will-Hinckley organization,
Emily Vargas

National Coalition for the Homeless - 0 views

  • Families with children are by most accounts among the fastest growing segments of the homeless population
  • an estimated 1.35 million from 600 thousand families will experience homelessness today, while 3.8 million more will live in “precarious housing situations.”
  • of every 200 children in America, 3 will be homeless today and more than double that number will be at risk for homelessness
  • ...24 more annotations...
  • Residency requirements, guardianship requirements, delays in transfer of school records, lack of transportation, and lack of immunization records often prevent homeless children from enrolling in school
  • Homelessness has a devastating impact on children and youths’ educational opportunities.
  • while 87% of homeless youth are enrolled in school, only 77% attend school regularly.
  • 2007-2008 school year 794,617 homeless children and youth were enrolled in public schools
  • Furthermore, the number does not include all preschool-age children, or any infants and toddlers.
  • 22% lived in shelters, 65% lived with other family members or friends, 7% lived in motels, and 6% lived without shel
  • Homeless families move frequently due to limits to length of shelter stays, search for safe and affordable housing or employment, or to escape abusive family members. Too often, homeless children have to change schools because shelters or other temporary accommodations are not located within their school district. Homeless children and youth frequently transfer schools multiple times in a single year because of these conditions. 
  • According to the Institute for Children and Poverty, homeless children are nine times more likely to repeat a grade, four times more likely to drop out of school, and three times more likely to be placed in special education programs than their housed peers.
  • McKinney Act’s Education of Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY)
  • 1987 in response to reports that only 57% of homeless children were enrolled in school. 
  • The EHCY Program provides formula grants to state educational agencies to ensure that all homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free and appropriate education, including preschool education, provided to other children and youth
  • Local educational agency (LEA) sub grants support a variety of activities, including identification and outreach; assistance with school enrollment and placement; transportation assistance; school supplies; coordination among local service providers; before and after school and summer educational programs; and referrals to support services.
  • State educational agency (SEA) funding helps support services such as toll-free hotlines; awareness raising activities for educators and service providers; preparation of educational materials for statewide distribution; technical assistance to schools, service providers, parents, and students; and enrollment assistance.
  • Enrollment of homeless students increased by 17% between the 2006-2007 and the 2007-2008 school years. Yet, while almost all states have revised laws and policies to improve access to education for homeless students, significant barriers to enrollment and attendence remain, including guardianship and immunization requirements, transportation problems and school fees. Barriers to success in school were found to include family mobility, poor health, and lack of food, clothing, and school supplies. [7] Many of these issues were addressed in the 2001 reauthor
  • ization of the McKinney-Vento Act, but due to a lack in funding, have not been fully addressed.
  • there was a 17% increase in homeless children and youth identified in public schools.
  • With numbers of homeless students nearing 800,000, states failed to provide subgrants to 41% of students identified as homeless
  • Yet, the EHCY program was funded at only $65 million in FY2009, less than one third of the $210 million minimum NAECHY estimates will be required to appropriately serve the rising number of homeless students in America.
  • 43% percent of responding cities reported an increase in the overall number of homeless persons accessing emergency shelter and transitional housing programs during the last year
  • 71% of responding cities reported increases in households with children accessing emergency shelter. 65% of these cities are predicting increases in overall requests for emergency shelter and 100% predict increases in requests for emergency shelter by households with children. Meanwhile, 52% of responding cities already report having to turn people away some or all of the time.
  • . The primary reason for family homelessness is the lack of affordable housing, though poverty, unemployment, low-paying jobs, family disputes, substance abuse, and other factors all play significant roles in family homelessness. Recent statistics indicate that 26% of those suffering from homelessness are considered “severely mentally ill;” 19% are employed; 15% are victims of domestic violence; 13% are physically disabled; 13 are veterans; and 2% are HIV positive.
  • Two subpopulations of children who face increased policy barriers to education are unaccompanied homeless youth and homeless preschoolers. Homeless youth are often prevented from enrolling in and attending school by curfew laws, liability concerns, and legal guardianship requirements. [12] Homeless preschoolers also face difficulty accessing public preschool education. Less than 16% of eligible preschool aged homeless children are enrolled in preschool programs. [13]
  • Congress reauthorized the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act in 2002.  It changed some of the responsibilities of school districts and states, including the requirement for each school district to have a designated homeless education liaison to build awareness in the school and community.  Despite some increase in funding to the initiative in the last few years, the program still lacks proper funding, and, therefore, cannot be adequately implemented on the state and local level.
  • While they are experiencing homelessness, however, it is essential that children remain in school.  School is one of the few stable, secure places in the lives of homeless children and youth -- a place where they can acquire the skills needed to help them escape poverty.
Tara Picudella

Drug Abuse and Addiction Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention Facts - 0 views

  • to help youth and the general public to understand the risks of drug abuse and for teachers, parents, and health care professionals to keep sending the message that drug addiction can be prevented if a person never abuses drugs.
Emily Vargas - 0 views

    • Emily Vargas
      The point of NCHE is to provide education to those who don't know or understand their options as a homeless youth in education systems
Emily Vargas - 0 views

    • Emily Vargas
      Just because a child may live in a home there parents may not be able to afford these options as well. They don't get the proper materials and resources because they are not considered in poverty
Tara Picudella

Overpopulation: Should America have a one-child policy? | Washington Times Communities - 0 views

  • Their overarching claim is that as populations grow, human innovation will increase; thus creating a higher quality of life.
  • innovation increases under pressure,
  • These increases in human numbers and overall rates of resource and energy consumption are not, however, sustainable. 
Tara Picudella

JSTOR: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 39, No. 11 (Mar. 13-19, 2004), pp. 1157-1163 - 0 views

    *highlights are saved in pdf version*
Tara Picudella

Optimism and overpopulation. | - 0 views

    • Tara Picudella
      This article shows how the world's population became so big: -dictatators -economic surplus -agriculture surplus -foreign aid It proves that we are all responsible for this issue and therefore must all be apart of the solution
  • Turkey land redistribution gave impetus to the growth of large families.
    • Tara Picudella
      could this be a simple but noneffective solution to overpopulation?
Tara Picudella

Pre and post monsoon monitoring of ground water quality in region near Kupwad MIDC, San... - 0 views

  • Degradation of water resources in rural and urban area due to industrialization, urbanization, overpopulation
  • resources are being deteriorated
  • As water is one of the basic amenity for human being, waterborne diseases have adverse impact on human health
    • Tara Picudella
      diseases can come about from overpopulation
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • samples are out of the highest desirable limit or exceeded the permissible limit
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