To explore teaching pedagogy and efficacy, institutional business models, and global educational engagement strategies and to present a cohesive report on these issues that can be used by policymakers and leaders in education;
To engage in the public discourse surrounding online learning and to encourage productive discussion;
To influence policy and policymakers to create a welcoming environment for educational innovation.
This plan from the US Dept of Education provides an excellent framework for considering the future of ed tech (even though its focus in more for K-12).
Aug 17, 2015
Colleges and universities must address several critical issues in the years ahead in order to prepare for the next seismic change: the unbundling of higher education.
In principle, constructive alignment describes the relationship between three elements.
1. The intentions of the teacher expressed as learning outcomes (what the teacher intends the students will be able to do because of their learning).
2. The teaching and learning activities in which the teacher engages the students to facilitate the desired learning.
3. The assessment tasks that test the student abilities in respect of the learning outcomes.