Summer Prep for Back to School: Resources for School Leaders | Edutopia - 3 views
Three Trends That Will Shape the Future of Curriculum | MindShift - 67 views
crucial for students to be able to navigate the digital world around them without fea
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I don;think this is dangerous, it creates a greater need for students to be able to determine the validity of a source of information and think critically.
I had the opportunity to visit a New Tech High School in Sioux Falls, SD. There are some really great things happening at these schools...lots of creative thinking, collaboration, and higher order thinking skills.
Share Your Thinking on ISLLC 2015 - UCEA: University Council for Educational Administra... - 5 views
For the past 16 months, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA) have led an effort to refresh the standards to reflect research-based evidence, practitioner input and experience gained since the last update of the standards in 2008. The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium Standards... Read more »
While there wasn't any discussion that I'm aware of in the Iowa Legislature on the new standards, it seems safe to assume that ISSL will look different shortly. As we say so often, it's a process.
26 centuries of skills | Dangerously Irrelevant - 76 views
n the ways that brought them to power
implicit threat to the power that they worked hard to get to.
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Forget ROI, Here's the 5-Step Tech Investment Plan Districts Should Be Using -- THE Jou... - 4 views
ROI is calculated by measuring benefits in dollars. But schools are not in business to make money, and should not measure success in terms of dollars. The business of schools is learning. Of course, if technology projects save money or improve efficiency, then a business-focused ROI is useful, but in general it is important to define the "value" of learning in education. School system leaders need to understand their educational goals and how technology will support those goals. In other words, they should focus not on demonstrating ROI, but what we at CoSN call the value of investment or VOI. So how do you measure investments in technology that are focused on educational rather than financial benefits? A good place to start may be at your district's long-range strategic plan, which may contain goals similar to the following: Increasing student achievement Increasing student engagement Improving attendance and behavior Attracting and retaining staff Developing 21st century skills for students Decreasing dropout rates for at-risk students Engaging parents and communities
Getting Attention in the Laptop Classroom - 10 views
The class began with all seats facing forward. The teacher points to a chart on the white board showing fastest times for 8 different furniture arrangements in this class (list). She holds up a stopwatch.
While there is now software available to allow such monitoring from the teacher's computer, most teachers must rely upon a technique we will call eyeballing.
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