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Time for statewide ban on smoking - - 0 views

  • Cady's Grill, a popular restaurant in Ypsilanti's Depot Town, went smoke-free less than a month ago. "It first started when I would be seating a table on a busy night and they would say they wanted to be as far away from the smoking section as possible,'' Rob Troyer, general manager for Cady's, told The News.
    • puth_noeun
      they wanted to be as far away from the smoking section as possible, Rob Troyer, general maager for Cady's told the news.
  • But the culture of smoking - imbued with an aura of independence, rebellion and sensuality - has deep roots in our country. For many, smoking is sheer pleasure, and worth whatever health risks come with it. Smokers are passionate about their rights, and increasingly face off with nonsmokers who demand, with equal passion, the right to a smoke-free environment. Businesses, especially restaurants and bars, are often caught in the middle.
    • techhenglim
      background information of tobacco problems in cambodia

Using the Media for Tobacco Control. A guide - 0 views

shared by techhenglim on 27 Aug 07 - Cached
  • To start, we need to define the problem, the solution(s), and the audience we wish to reach. 1 While the overall problem is tobacco use, we can identify more specific problems: cigarette advertising, low taxes on tobacco products, lack of knowledge about tobacco products (and only vague warnings written in small print on the side of cigarette packs). The solutions would then be a ban on cigarette ads, higher taxes on all tobacco products, and better warnings. The audience we need to reach is the policymakers who can push for those changes. In addition, we may want to reach the general public, so that they will support the laws—and thus increase the chance that they are passed. Once the problem, solution, and audience are clear, we can begin to identify our media strategy. As our goal is not only to illustrate the problem, but also to point out the solution, we need to be sure that our message includes both. When planning activities suggested in the A to (almost) Z list, remember to include not only why we’re angry or what we are protesting, but also what we want the government to do. We will know how well we are succeeding when we gather the news coverage (see Appendix 5, How to Monitor the Media). We are interested not only in the quantity, but also the quality, of the news coverage. If the solution to the problem is not being mentioned, we need to work to increase attention to our recommendations. As we progress with our work, we can revise our sense of the problems and solutions, and thus rework our media strategy.
  • Suggest policy solutions to the concerns the public has highlighted when you discuss the opinion poll with journalists, such as banning tobacco advertising, higher taxes on tobacco,

Capacity Statement of ADRA Cambodia - 0 views

  • A three year project focussing on diversified agriculture and integrating water followed. Research on health issues found that over 80% of males were smoking and this was having negative effects on their health and economy. Examination of approaches to TOH (Tobacco or Health programs) revealed that it would be best to work at the national government level, so a national program was initiated to combat the problems associated with smoking. This TOH program, initially funded by Australia has continued in an expanding manner. Further proposals have been developed in respect to other health issues, and are currently being reviewed by donors, to enable health to be integrated into existing food security areas in Siem Reap province. Another factor recognised as limiting productivity of rural enterprises was access to affordable credit and lack of cooperative efforts amongst families


  • The armed forces located throughout the country, and particularly the Military Police, could play an impor- tant role in dealing with drug production and traffick- ing. Many observers, however, feel that the military forces are presently more a part of the drug trafficking problem than its solution. Corrupt practices are, of course, not the special reserve of the military and the phenomena also severelyundermines other critical links in the fight against illegal drugs, especially law enforce- ment and judicial systems. Extremely low salaries,often below subsistence levels, force many individuals to seek alternative sources of income, both legal and illegal.
    • techhenglim
      Corruption has directly linked with the drug trafficking, therefore reduce corruption may effect the drug prolems also.

People's Daily Online -- Vietnam, Cambodia strengthen anti-drug trafficking cooperation - 0 views

  • Vietnamese and Cambodian police should open liaison offices in border provinces, establish hotlines, and organize more meetings on the issue. They should receive further foreign language training to fight against cross-border drug trafficking more effectively, he said.

The Cambodia Daily WEEKEND - 0 views

  • But the savagely exquisite terrain of Stung Treng province now tops the list of locations considered the most important gateway of drugs shipments entering Cambodia from Southeast Asia's notorious narco-state the "Golden Triangle."
  • Cambodian and international experts agree that Stung Treng is a major drug trafficking artery: amphetamines for the country's domestic market, and heroin bound for regional and eventually international markets in the US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

A/51/93 International Drug Control - Cambodia - 0 views

  • Cambodia is neither a drug producer, nor a consumer, nor a trafficker country. It may be on a transit route, but Cambodia is a victim of this illegal traffic.
  • The Royal Government of Cambodia is very displeased and disappointed by its inclusion in the United States list of major illicit drug producing and drug transit countries. This act adversely affects Cambodia's international image and prestige, even though it was later certified and made clear that it had fully cooperated with the international community on this matter.

PPP 13/07: Rocketing drug use - 0 views

  • there were strong indications that military and police are providing protection to drug traffickers. The substance of evidence was not available, but he asserted that military and police are directly involved in drug trafficking".
    • techhenglim
      It is a strange phenomenon that a country government has involved in the drug trafficking.
  • 750 kg of Ephedrine - which is not a drug but is a precursor chemical used in the production of the drug 'methamphetamine' or yama - had been seized in Australia after it had transitted through Cambodia en route to Australia.
    • techhenglim
      drug material can been transported from contry to country.

Holy Smoke | Bullfrog Films - 0 views

  • Holy Smoke Cambodians Fight Tobacco
  • Buddhist monks are now spearheading the campaign to persuade Cambodians to give up tobacco -- a tough assignment in a country with one of the highest rates of smoking in the world and life expectancy of only fifty-four years.
    • puth_noeun
      the solution: the monk gives up their smoking.

Dr. G.H. Brundtland: Regional Committee for the Western Pacific - Fifty-first session - 0 views

  • We have the science to convince. We know that higher excise taxes make economic sense in addition to reduce smoking, in particular among the young and the poor. We know that smuggling is a problem that must be dealt with independently of the price issue. And we know that in the long term, government divestment of tobacco holdings is responsible policy - both economically and health-wise.
    • puth_noeun
      the solution on how to educate people on ciggarreth isssue.
  • n October, Member States will begin the negotiations on the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. This will be the first time that the public health community has led treaty negotiations. The process we set in motion has already fostered a global debate and pushed countries as well as tobacco companies to think about their actions from a public health perspective. The success of the FCTC will depend on our ability to link compelling data to robust decisions.
    • puth_noeun
      ciggarreth solutions actions on the companies to think about public health perspective.
  • Many countries in this Region have shown a strong and active support for the work towards a Framework Convention. I appreciate this and count on you to continue this support so that the FCTC can become a strong and effective tool for tobacco control.
    • puth_noeun
      i appreciate this and count on you to continue this support so tht FCTC can become a strong and effective tool for tobacco control.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • There is a growing realization that we need international agreements and co-operation to fight threats to health, such as from tobacco. In short - health has been placed at the centre of the development agenda.
    • puth_noeun
      solutions is that we need international agrrements and co-peration to threats to health, such as from toacco. In shout- health has been placed at the centre of the development agenda.

Pressure mounts on tobacco advertisers - 0 views

  • Ironically, what people know about tobacco in Cambodia is largely dictated by what cigarette companies choose to tell them. "Promotion girls" give away free cigarettes, umbrellas adorned with company logos shade popcorn sellers, TV and radio stations push the merits of smoking, and live concerts are sponsored by local brands.
    • techhenglim
      the education problem of tobacco
  • Inadequate health records in Cambodia mean it is impossible to find precise figures on smoking-related diseases, but a 1997 report from the MoH and WHO, based on international figures, estimated 5,800 smoking-related deaths in Cambodia annually.
    • techhenglim
      background information of tobacco cost cambodia
  • "People here always focus on HIV, AIDS and TB and not on the hidden dangers of smoking,"
    • techhenglim
      education related topic

Workshop on tobacco control research protocol development - 0 views

  • n 1999, tobacco-related disease accounted for 48.5% of all deaths in Cambodia. Tobacco promotion is still allowed, cigarettes are cheap and warnings on packages are very small. This grant will support the development of a proposal for a national tobacco control project. The project will focus, in particular, on the issue of tobacco advertising and promotion, and public opinion regarding smoke-free areas and an advertising ban.
    • puth_noeun
      bankground of tobacco problem in Cambodia recently.
  • n 1999, tobacco-related disease accounted for 48.5% of all deaths in Cambodia. Tobacco promotion is still allowed, cigarettes are cheap and warnings on packages are very small. This grant will support the development of a proposal for a national tobacco control project. The project will focus, in particular, on the issue of tobacco advertising and promotion, and public opinion regarding smoke-free areas and an advertising ban.
    • puth_noeun
      information of ciggarreth bankground in Cambodia.

ASH's Sue the Tobacco Industry Page - Act NOW Before It's Too Late! - 0 views

  • As a public service to help victims of  the tobacco industry learn whether they can bring a potential law suit, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), a 36-year old national legal-action charitable organization entirely supported by tax-deductible contributions, has compiled a list of most of the attorneys in this country involved in law suits against big tobacco.
    • puth_noeun
      file a complain to the big tobacco companies.

U.S. Gets Failing Grades on Tobacco Control Report [01/06/05] - 0 views

  • Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), who has fought for harsher measures against tobacco companies, added, in a prepared statement, "Today's report by the American Lung Association provides a stark reminder of the federal government's failure to reduce youth smoking, regulate tobacco products, or generate funds for tobacco cessation programs. The federal government deserves this failing grade."The report did find that state and local governments have done a better job, although that record remains mixed.Six states (California, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts and New York) now ban smoking in all workplaces, including bars and restaurants. Thirty-three states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, however, received an F for smoke-free air.
    • puth_noeun
      ciggarrette ban in workplaces, bars and restaurants in America.
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