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Cyber Security Graduate Certificate | Stanford Online - 1 views

    The Cyber Security graduate certificate provides a professional, technical and policy view of the challenges created by rapid advancements in information technology. You'll examine principles of computer systems security, including attack protection and prevention. By combining computer science and application, this program's interdisciplinary approach will give you the vital skills needed for today's cyber workforce.

Neural Networks for Machine Learning - University of Toronto | Coursera - 1 views

    Neural Networks for Machine Learning from University of Toronto. Learn about artificial neural networks and how they're being used for machine learning, as applied to speech and object recognition, image segmentation, modeling language and human motion, etc. We'll emphasize both the basic algorithms and the practical tricks needed to get them to work well.
José Luis Astuhuamán

Customer Analytics - University of Pennsylvania | Coursera - 0 views

    Customer Analytics from University of Pennsylvania. Data about our browsing and buying patterns are everywhere. From credit card transactions and online shopping carts, to customer loyalty programs and user-generated ratings/reviews, there is a staggering amount of data that can be used to describe our past buying behaviors, predict future ones, and prescribe new ways to influence future purchasing decisions.

Mastering Data Analysis in Excel - Duke University | Coursera - 1 views

    Mastering Data Analysis in Excel from Duke University. In this course, you will master the Microsoft Excel techniques successful business analysts and business data analysts rely on every day to extract actionable information from business data.

Foundations of E-Commerce - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | Coursera - 0 views

    Foundations of E-Commerce from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The aim of this course is to understand issues that companies need to address when moving from being offline to online and learn how companies can craft business models where IT is embedded as an integral part of products, processes and customer interactions.

LiveBinders Private Binder Error - 3 views

    Tópicos de Negociaciòn Livebinder

LiveBinders Private Binder Error - 0 views

    If someone emailed you this link, please let them know that (for security reasons) they need to enter an access key in LiveBinders to share a private binder or shelf.

Max Sante - LiveBinder - 0 views

    Tópicos de Negociación

Jhoel - Tópicos de Negociación - LiveBinder - 1 views

    Taller del curso
Yuri Raymundo Heredia

Tópicos de Negociación - LiveBinder - Yuri Raymundo Heredia - 1 views

    Taller del curso

Silva Hinostroza of UNIFIIS Tópicos de Negociación - LiveBinder - 1 views

    Taller del curso

Tópicos de Negociación - J. Herrera - LiveBinder - 2 views

    Taller del curso

Tópicos de Negociación - LiveBinder JESUS - 2 views

    HUAYCOCHEA BAYTON JESUS. Ing. Villanueva le adjunto el livebinders.
José Luis Astuhuamán

LiveBinders Private Binder - 2 views

    Mi página propia de LiveBinders dónde se puede visualizar los trabajos realizados por mi persona en el Ciclo 2015 - II
Daniel Guevara

Estrategia para negociar con personas obstinadas - 0 views

    Estrategia para negociar con personas obstinadas, artículo de Negociacion por Alexis Codina. "En las negociaciones complejas, cada cual considera al otro como una persona difícil.... No importa quién es el difícil; el reto es transformar un enfrentamiento en un ejercicio de solución conjunta de
Daniel Guevara

Internet De las Cosas - 0 views

    ¿Se imagina que un frigorífico que le avise de la caducidad de los alimentos? ¿O que las zapatillas que usa para hacer deporte registren en la nube las estadísticas de cuánto corre cada semana y a qué velocidad? ¿Y que los inodoros analicen su orina y le recomienden la dieta alimentaria que más le conviene seguir?
Daniel Guevara

ARTICULOS Y REVISTAS DE MEDIACIÓN - Fundación Asistencial ICAV - 0 views

    En este subapartado iremos subiendo artículos sobre mediación que puedan resultar interesantes para todos vosotros. También enlaces a Revistas. El CMICAV no asume todos los planteamientos de los diversos autores. Este es un foro abierto de debate para compartir e intercambiar opiniones y experiencias, y donde el mediad@r pueda formarse su propia opinión.
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