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On the box - is television good or bad for children? | National Literacy Trust - 1 views

  • there is some evidence suggesting that under-twos cannot cope with high levels of stimulation. A study by Dr Dimitri Christakis in Seattle concludes that children under two should not be allowed to watch any television at all, as it can lead to over stimulation and poor concentration skills. Dr Christakis suggests that under-twos who watch three hours of television a day are 30 percent more likely to develop Attention Deficit Disorder. Children who are exposed to unrealistic and unnatural levels of stimulation at a young age, he says, continue to expect this in later life, leading to difficulty dealing with the slower pace of school and homework.

The Impact of Television - 1 views

  • Reading fluency was measured by a tachistoscope, which flashes a word on a screen for a few milliseconds. The quicker one can recognize it, the more skilled a reader you are. Fluency was higher in Notel in grades 2 and 3 in Phase 1, but dropped back to similar levels with Unitel and Multitel in Phase 2. However, there seemed to be little effect on fluency among 8th graders, possibly because their reading skills had been established by that age. The researchers thought that TV hindered the acquisition of reading skills simply because it took up so much time. Reading is a difficult skill, after all, and doesn't become pleasurable or useful until you're good at it. If TV distracts you from practising it in that crucial stage, you may never get good reading habits. Once you have it, though, TV seems less harmful. An interesting effect was hypothesized by the researchers. TV was originally thought to be a great leveller, since both rich and poor would be watching the same programs and would be provided with the same news and information. Instead, the reverse may be happening. Increased TV viewing in poorer households harms those kids' reading abilities and habits. They thus do less reading throughout school and so have less access to the primary (although far from the only) source of knowledge. The gap in education is thus widened, not narrowed.

How can too much TV Affect a Childs Social Skills by Grace Angel | Life Paths 360 - 1 views

  • Too much TV can affect a child’s social skills immensely in a negative way. Children who do not get out of the house for at least an hour or two a day will be more likely to become a depressed teenager. Children who watch violent TV and play violent video games are twenty-five percent more likely to act out violent behavior in real life. Children who do not develop good social skills in their younger life will have a harder time in the workforce when they are an adult.

Television & Media Literacy - 4 views

  • Be selective regarding the programs children view; distinguish between fantasy and reality; and recognize gender stereotypes and racial prejudices portrayed on television. Children whose TV viewing time is limited are less aggressive and adult viewers who limit their viewing have a less violent picture of society. Children who watch less television usually read more, are less likely to be overweight, have more friends, and are more likely to develop hobbies.
    • krystalwallace
      Article talks about the pros and cons of time children spend watching tv.

Study: Children's Poor Motor, Social Skills Linked To Too Much Television Wat... - 1 views

  • “Every hourly increase in daily television watching from two and a half years old is also associated with bullying by classmates, and physical prowess at kindergarten,” Professor Linda Pagani of the University of Montreal and the CHU Sainte-Justine children’s hospital said in the study.
  • At that young age, a child’s brain is wired to play. “These kids are watching too much television at a time when they should be out there in the environment exploring and interacting, especially with other humans,” Pagani added in the study.

Negative Effects of Television - 0 views

  • Researchers claim that attention deficit disorders in children are a result of watching television for long everyday. They say that watching television leads to developmental disorders, affecting that faculty of the brain which is responsible for language skills. Children who watch more television and read less, show difficulties in paying attention or concentrating. Children spending long hours in watching television are susceptible to being affected by attention deficit disorders.
    • krystalwallace
      This article explains how researchers are researching the effects of the child's brain from television watching.

Television's Impact on Kids | MediaSmarts - 4 views

  • Television can affect learning and school performance if it cuts into the time kids need for activities crucial to healthy mental and physical development: the Canadian Pediatric Society recommends that school-age children should watch no more than two hours of television per day, with less than one hour being ideal, and that children should not have access to television in their bedrooms
  • How much impact TV has on children depends on many factors: how much they watch, their age and personality, whether they watch alone or with adults, and whether their parents talk with them about what they see on TV.To address the potential negative effects of television, it's important to understand what the impact of television can be on children. Below you will find information on some areas of concern.ViolenceOver the past few decades, hundreds of studies have examined how violent programming on TV affects children and young people. While a direct "cause and effect" link is difficult to establish, many studies have suggested that some children may be vulnerable to violent images and messages.
    • krystalwallace
      This site explains the many negative categories from sex, drugs, and violence of television and how it's effecting young children.
    I thought this site was cool cuse it gives info on Child and Teen effects
Zachary Lewis

Quality Television Shows That Focus on Early Literacy | Homework & Study Skills | At Sc... - 1 views

  • While the long-term effects of television viewing in the early years are often up for debate, pediatricians and researchers can agree that young children who watch television need supervision and guidelines for the amount of television to which they are exposed and the types of shows they can access
    • krystalwallace
      I like this article, great information

Television Family time suffers-Instead Of TV - 3 views

  • In contrast with 31½ hours in front of a TV, the average American parent spends only 38 minutes per week in meaningful conversation with their children. Yet, pundits on both the left and right wonder why the American family is in crisis. As a parent, how can you have a meaningful relationship with your children, if you are so busy watching TV that you do not have time to talk with them, to listen to their problems, to celebrate their achievements, or to simply BE together as a family? It is simply not possible. You cannot build a family foundation on reruns of Leave it to Beaver.
Aleck Keeling

Television and Language Development in the Early Years - 2 views

    Found this has a ton of good info on it im on my work computer right now and cant download the diigo app on it so just put the link for it on the url but cant highlight anything hopefully this works for some good info your you guys.
Zachary Lewis

Texting, TV and Tech Trashing Children's Attention Spans | Ellen Galinsky - 2 views

  • New York Times' Matt Richtel summarizes these concerns in an article about the studies: "There is a widespread belief among teachers that students' constant use of digital technology is hampering their attention spans and ability to persevere in the face of challenging tasks."
  • Nearly three quarters of the 685 public and private K-12 teachers surveyed in the Common Sense Media online poll believe that students use of entertainment media (including TV, video games, texting and social networking) "has hurt student's attention spans a lot or somewhat."
  • Likewise, in the Pew online survey, which polled 2,462 middle and high school teachers, 87% report that these technologies are creating "an easily distracted generation with short attention spans," and 64% say that digital technologies "do more to distract students than to help them academically."
    This article basically explains how t.v can shorten the attention spans of kids in school
Zachary Lewis

Television and Literacy - 1 views

  • Television has the power to affect one's voting, shopping, and eating habits along with one's political or social viewpoints. In fact recent studies have shown that violence on television is related to "subsequent violent behavior" (Hall 311). With the wide grasp of television it would be rather surprising if television did not affect literacy.
  • Many scholars believe that television has no effect on the literacy rates in the United States. (Fowles 729) This topic has been through heated discussions and studies through the years but to no avail. Other scholars feel that television does affect literacy, either positively or negatively. What ever the case, this essay will examine a few of the viewpoints on television and literacy and then direct the emphasis on the theory that television does effect literacy negatively and purpose some alternate solutions
  • The displacement hypothesis is the most credible theory the notion that television does affect literacy. In order to understand the full spectrum of the problem and accept solution one must first recap the previous data. The Alwin study as reported by Glenn found a -.191 correlation between television and vocabulary. (Glenn 218) The results were similar to the -.20 correlation found in the Morgan and Gross study. (Hornik 195) The interesting point of this study was that the correlation was not only found with reading but also mathematics and language skills. Again the National Assessment study also reinforced the multiple correlations. (Hornik 195) The Hall study also supported this and can be read in the previous parts of this article. (Hall 312) The main point to be looked at here, are the multiple correlations. This shows that television is not only taking time away from reading but also mathematics, and other subjects. The displacement theory definitely is a useful tool in correcting the problems in which television can cause.
Zachary Lewis

Literacy Under Siege | Beyond Literacy - 0 views

  • Television, movies, video games, mobile phones, and the Internet have all been identified as the culprits that rot the brain, desensitize, delude, and generally ruin the minds of the young (and perhaps everyone else too).
  • The media and popular press point clearly to new technologies as the cause of this decline but also, ironically, as the source of the “new literacy.” Texting, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and countless other technologies and media are widely seen as undermining or displacing literacy

TV's Effect on Learning and Literacy Development - Reading Corner Blog - 1 views

  • According to a recent survey 90% of parents admitted their children under the age of 2 watch at least some form of electronic media. Further, the average amount of TV watched for children aged 2 and under is 1-2 hours a day.
  • However, based on the findings of recent research, the Amercian Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has made a “screen-free” recommendation for all children under the age of 2. The research was aimed at discovering any possible educational benefits as well as any harm in educational TV viewing for this age group. Here are a few of the key findings from this study: Because “educational” TV programs usually use content and context which does not yet make sense to children under the age of 2, the educational value of the program is void. Unstructured play trumps any form of electronic media in terms of encouraging brain development. Through unstructured play children learn creativity, problem solving, reasoning, and motor skills. Unstructured play also encourages independence by teaching children to entertain themselves. Young children learn best from actual interaction with humans, not TV screens. Even when parents watch TV and videos with their child to aid the child’s understanding, the child still benefits more from live interaction and instruction. “Background media” (such as parents own TV viewing) can also damage child development by distracting the parent and decreasing parent-child interactions. “Background media” can also distract a child during his unstructured play time. TV viewing around bedtime is especially destructive because it causes poor sleep habits and irregular sleep schedules which can negatively affect mood, behavior, and learning. Young children with heavy exposure to media often have delayed language development once they start school.
Aleck Keeling

TV found to have negative impact on parent-child communication and early literacy compa... - 11 views

  • Since the first television screens lit up our living rooms scientists have been studying its affect on young children. Now scientists have compared mother-child communication while watching TV to reading books or playing with toys to reveal the impact on children's development. The results show that watching TV can lead to less interaction between parents and children, with a detrimental impact on literacy and language skills.
    This article talks about the effect tv has on children ranged from 16 months to 6 years in general it decreases the amount the parents communicate with the children and causes a detrimental impact on there language and literacy skills 

Is technology producing a decline in critical thinking and analysis? | UCLA - 1 views

  • Reading for pleasure, which has declined among young people in recent decades, enhances thinking and engages the imagination in a way that visual media such as video games and television do not, Greenfield said.
  • "Studies show that reading develops imagination, induction, reflection and critical thinking, as well as vocabulary," Greenfield said. "Reading for pleasure is the key to developing these skills. Students today have more visual literacy and less print literacy. Many students do not read for pleasure and have not for decades."

Infants, Toddlers and Television | Urban Child Institute - 8 views

  • Despite marketing claims that some television programs and DVDs help infants and toddlers learn, recent studies show that TV provides only empty calories for a child’s growing brain.
  • A large body of research shows that too much television can have negative effects on children’s behavior, achievement, and health.
  • In addition to reporting young children’s increased exposure to television, these studies have also discovered that TV in the first three years of life can have a negative impact on healthy development: Infant exposure to television has been linked to delayed language development and kindergarten readiness skills. 15,16 Early exposure to TV has also been connected to attention disorders and sleep problems. 17,18 TV use at age three has been linked to behavior problems and to long-term effects on social development, classroom engagement, and academic achievement. 14,19,20
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Advocates of infant-directed programs and videos claim that these products can benefit children. Most are marketed as educational tools that promote brain development and cognitive skills. 11 In a survey of over 1,000 families, parents shared their reasons for allowing their infants and toddlers to watch TV and videos. The most common reason was the belief that “the television and video programs that I have my child watch teach him/her something or are good for his/her brain”. 13 However, claims like these are not supported by research. Studies generally find that for children younger than three years, television, videos, and DVDs are not effective teachers. 21,22,23 Even worse, they may crowd out healthier activities and set the stage for heavier television use throughout childhood. 12 Based on these concerns, the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) recommends that children under age two do not watch television, and that older children watch only one or two hours of quality programming. 24
  • Most researchers agree that meaningful learning from television is unlikely before age three, when children begin to understand the relationship between TV and reality.
  • Numerous studies have shown that babies learn better from people than from pictures. For instance, infants and toddlers who see a live demonstration of a simple task are more likely to remember it than those who watched a video of the same task.
  • Many educational programs and videos for infants and toddlers claim to benefit children by providing opportunities for parent-child interactions. Research provides several reasons why this is unlikely to be true: Even during children’s first three years, educational content makes up only half of what they watch. 13 When the television is on, even in the background, parents talk and play with their infants less often. When they do, they are less attentive and engaged. 4,15 Even when children are watching programs and DVDs designed to promote interaction, parents watch with them less than half the time.
  • A heavy diet of television provides only empty calories for a child’s growing brain. Active, hands-on play and warm, responsive parenting nourish children’s early development. Because more time in front of the screen means less time for play and shared activities, TV’s increasing presence in the daily lives of young children has dire implications. The evidence is clear: Parents and caregivers of infants and toddlers can promote learning, achievement, and health by taking television off the menu.
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