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Entertainment Media Diets of Children and Adolescents May Impact Learning | Common Sens... - 0 views

    "59% believe such media use has hurt students' abilities to communicate face to face; 58% say students' writing skills have been negatively impacted by their use of entertainment media; and"

The Impact of Personal Computers (Physical Effects) - YouTube - 0 views

    decent video. It lists the negative effects that technology has on humans such as: obesity, insomnia, eye problems and a couple other things.

Mr. Emerton (AP) Technology's Negative Effects on Children - YouTube - 1 views

    this is a radical video and I'm not 100% sure I like it but it does get our point across quite effectively.

Computer use has 'persistent negative impact' on child's maths, reading test scores - 0 views

  • e Sunday Telegraph reports a survey of more than half a million children reveals technology is counter-productive in improving student achievement.
  • It found that introducing children to computers from 10 years of age could have a detrimental effect and was associated with "modest but statistically significant and persistent negative impacts on student maths and reading test scores".
    This touches briefly on computers negatively affecting student's performance in math and reading.

The advent of technology has negatively impacted literacy levels in our youth : Kaieteu... - 1 views

  • many of them are in no way – even remotely in some cases – equally skillful/competent in basic reading/comprehension; the world of literature seems completely lost and a novelty to many.
  • They struggle to read a sentence, cannot pronounce very simple words, so that the task of reading becomes a drudge, a painful and un-pleasurable activity.
  • In fact, the effect of their inventions/devices has had some negative influences on our young people.
    This one states the loss of 'basic reading/comprehension' due to the negative influence of 'inventions/devices'.

Two Ways Excessive Technology Can Negatively Effect Your Health | Living a Balanced Life - 0 views

  • Even though many people will argue that technology helps them keep in touch with loved ones easier, there still seems to be a breakdown in social connection. Yes, you can email your family often and text your daughter to see if she is home from school all while you are sitting in a meeting at work. But this is your immediate social support system. Your community is composed of individuals who live in your town. Your relations within your community are extended social support. However, it seems like there has been a gradual breakdown of interest in developing relationships with neighbors, or those you see on the streets everyday.
    a good read from a psychologist's point of view

Technology can impact brain development in good, bad ways | - 1 views

  • "The downside is, our face-to-face human contact skills; looking someone on the eye, noticing the emotional expression on a face; those neural wires are weakening," Small said.
    a great read that will strengthen our argument but from a developmental aspect of our brains. the only downfall may be that the article talks about early childhood. However this still aids our cause.

Are television and audio hurting or helping literacy? | The SEEDS Network - 0 views

  • Does the amount of TV viewing affect literacy and learning?  The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a limit of 10 hours a week, and no TV for children under age 2.  Mr. Trelease states that research findings show that school-age children, who watched up to 10 hours a week of TV showed no detrimental effects on learning.  BUT, for children who watched more than that – scores began to decline (and the average student today watches three times that amount). 

Texting, TV and Tech Trashing Children's Attention Spans | Ellen Galinsky - 0 views

    This article doesn't specifically say digital literacy but it does say the technology is negatively affecting children's minds.
    "Nearly three quarters of the 685 public and private K-12 teachers surveyed in the Common Sense Media online poll believe that students use of entertainment media (including TV, video games, texting and social networking) "has hurt student's attention spans a lot or somewhat." Likewise, in the Pew online survey, which polled 2,462 middle and high school teachers, 87% report that these technologies are creating "an easily distracted generation with short attention spans," and 64% say that digital technologies "do more to distract students than to help them academically.""

The 4 Negative Side Effects Of Technology | Edudemic - 1 views

  • Let’s take a look at the top 4 ways that overuse of technology has influenced our children in an adverse manner:
  • 1. Elevated Exasperation
  • 2. Deteriorated Patience
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • 3. Declining Writing Skills
  • 4. Lack of Physical Interactivity

Texting, Twitter contributing to students' poor grammar skills, profs say - The Globe a... - 0 views

  • Cellphone texting and social networking on Internet sites are degrading writing skills, say even experts in the field.
    The sentence I highlighted above is the main thing I got out of this article. The whole article is worth reading though.

Children who read on iPads or Kindles have weaker literacy skills, charity warns | Dail... - 0 views

    This article states how reading on electronic devices negatively affects their reading levels and causes a decline in literacy skills.

Is technology producing a decline in critical thinking and analysis? | UCLA - 0 views

  • "By using more visual media, students will process information better," she said. "However, most visual media are real-time media that do not allow time for reflection, analysis or imagination — those do not get developed by real-time media such as television or video games. Technology is not a panacea in education, because of the skills that are being lost.
    this article creates a strong argument against technology being beneficial for literacy skills as it shows from two professors that technology actually created a decline in being able to comprehend what we learn since we have no time to actually process it.
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