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mikeem em

Favourite 'lifehack' site - 74 views

Hey All, Good to see you here. of course we all know, but what other sites help you get things done easier/quicker/smarter? a favourite of mine is anyone got...

started by mikeem em on 07 Jan 08 no follow-up yet
mikeem em

10 Ways to Make Your Study Sessions More Productive | Enhanced with Minerals for Taste - 0 views

  • Eliminate human distractions. Pick a study location where you can work uninterrupted
  • You should play hard. But when the time comes to study, you should study hard too - your friends should be able to accept that. Oh yeah, turn off your phone(s) too.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Clear your mind
  • Begin with the end in mind. Now that your mind is clear, take a moment to set some goals for what you will learn. If you’re studying from a textbook, use the objectives printed at the beginning of the chapter as a starting point.
  • Use earplugs. I’m a big fan of wearing earplugs when I study. They block out ambient noise, such as doors closing in the distance, chatter in the hallway, and sirens from outside the building. As an added benefit, I’ve found that using earplugs actually allows me to “hear myself think.”
  • Recognize the power of smell. Smell is said to be the sense with the greatest attachment to memory. Some think it’s proximity to memory centers in the brain is responsible for this connection. Experiment with the effects of smell on your memory while you study. If it’s safe (and permitted), burn a scented candle or incense during your study sessions.
  • Develop a standard notetaking method. Different students like different note taking methods. Whether you prefer mind mapping, Cornell notes, outline format, sentence format, or another method, find one that works for you and stick to it. Over time, you’ll develop your own version of note taking and will be able to use this method for the rest of your life.
  • Take regular breaks. Your brain can only take so much in one sitting. When your mind starts to wander, or you find yourself daydreaming or reading the same paragraph over and over again, it’s time to take a break. Spend 10 minutes away from the books, but don’t enter another activity that requires concentration or would result in distraction. In other words, don’t check facebook, don’t visit with friends, do read email or rss feeds. Instead, take the opportunity to go to the bathroom, drink a bit of water (500mL is good), and stretch your back, neck, arms and legs.
  • Hydrate. Drink water while you study. If you’re brain is getting a workout, it needs water to function efficiently - just as your muscles do. Take advantage of internal interruptions like daydreaming or “oh-yeah, I’ve gotta do that” moments by taking a drink of water, writing down the interruption, and then get back to learning.
  • Snack on brain food. Just as your brain needs water to operate in a highly productive state, it also needs food. Snacking lightly while studying prevents you from getting hungry (another internal distraction). Light snacking also prevents you from having to eat large meals that result in the post meal coma that we’re all so familiar with. Remember, healthy snacks are important.
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