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Islam Open Day - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 23 Jun 15 - No Cached
    Face-painting for the children of Palmerston North. We have an "Islam Open Day" in the city every year.

Hamilton Masjid - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 23 Jun 15 - No Cached
    See more pictures of Hamilton at
Muslim Academy

Islamic state of Pakistan dividing into religious section? - 1 views

    The negligence on the part of government has led to the religious division of Pakistan. Pakistan is an Islamic state but today it faces sectarian violence due to the never ending fights between Sunni and Shia in the country.
Muslim Academy

Hoarding In Islam * Muslim Academy Forum - 1 views

    Islam strictly prohibited hoarding and discourages hoarding.Allah Almighty clearly mention in Holy Quran ; 9.35. On that day, it (that hoarded wealth) will be heated in the fire of Hell and, therewith, their foreheads and their sides and their backs will be branded (and they will hear): "This is the treasure which you hoarded up for yourselves; taste now what you were busy hoarding!" يَوْمَ يُحْمَى عَلَيْهَا فِي نَارِ جَهَنَّمَ فَتُكْوَى بِهَا جِبَاهُهُمْ وَجُنوبُهُمْ وَظُهُورُهُمْ هَـذَا مَا كَنَزْتُمْ لأَنفُسِكُمْ فَذُوقُواْ مَا كُنتُمْ تَكْنِزُونَ 35. On that day, it (that hoarded wealth) will be heated in the fire of Hell and, therewith, their foreheads and their sides and their backs will be branded (and they will hear): "This is the treasure which you hoarded up for yourselves; taste now what you were busy hoarding!
Muslim Academy

A Radio Show On Muslim Academy - 0 views

    Recently, I came across an interesting radio show highlighting "the misconceptions people have about different countries and the people living there". The show was on air from Norway and was hosted by a woman named Veronica. She interviewed different people from America, Egypt, Mexico and Norway trying to showcase the misconceptions and the problems people face when they visit other countries.
Muslim Academy

Kedudukan Perempuan di Barat - 0 views

    Islam, sejak awal kemunculannya di abad ke-7 Masehi, sebenarnya telah menjawab berbagai permasalahan di tiap aspek kehidupan, termasuk permasalahan yang diangkat oleh kaum feminis, yaitu kesetaraan gender. Akan tetapi, karena tidak semua orang tahu dan mau tahu dengan ajaran Islam, maka semua solusi yang Islam tawarkan menjadi sia-sia
Muslim Academy

Women Dressing * Muslim Academy Forum - 1 views

    We all know that, it is advisable for women to wear Hijab and for that matter Muslim women are always compel to wear Hijabs. But at times, some of them, their Hijabs are too long in such a way that, it is touching or sweeping the ground while they are walking. So i want to know is it good for a Muslim woman to wear hijab that is too long in such a way that it will be sweeping the ground whiles she is walking?
Muslim Academy

Can a woman pray in the house Friday afternoon prayer after * Muslim Academy Forum - 0 views

    Women's prayer after the time for the back, which is usually accompanied by prayer for the first Friday in some of the country, and some of them after the second call to prayer.
Muslim Academy

Terrorism in Pakistan and the Way to Cope - 0 views

    Pakistan is facing some serious and critical situations from the last decade due to terrorism. Before now, only Karachi was considered problematic because of some target killings between two groups. But since the United States war in Afghanistan, the situation has worsened in Pakistan. There is no place that should be considered safe throughout the country. This is considered to be the result of America against the Taliban's. There are different groups of Taliban within Afghanistan and Pakistan and most of them are against the terrorism in Pakistan. They have also negotiated peace in the area.
Muslim Academy

Egypt's New Constitution-'One Man-One Party Rule' - 0 views

    On March 20, 2011, Egyptians overwhelmingly passed a package of constitutional amendments of which the most important was the drafting of a new Constitution by a new Parliament. The vote followed a Constitutional declaration made by the transitional government headed by the Egyptian military under a body called SCAF i.e. the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. The submission of constitutional amendments to popular referendums is not unusual in Egypt but it was the feeling that these were perhaps the first ever free and fair elections since 1956 that elicited an overwhelming participation by the Egyptian public.
Muslim Academy

The Legality of Drones as Weapons of War - 0 views

    America's Central Intelligence Agency has adopted an innovative strategy to counter the effective guerilla warfare tactics being used by militants in Northwest Pakistan. While these drone attacks have been the source of much criticism and appreciation, few have explored whether this means of combat is actually permitted under international law. A number of questions arise as a result of such an inquiry. Does the drone strikes carried about by the CIA violate Pakistan's sovereignty? Does the CIA have privilege to carry out such attacks? Is the use of force on non-combatants permitted under international law?
Muslim Academy

Punishment for Rape in Islam * Muslim Academy Forum - 0 views

    Is a rape victim required to forgive a rapist in Islam? How much of a crime is rape seen in Islam?. What punishment in Islam for those who did this sin ?

Muslim Academy

Gang Rape In India - Murder Charges Filed - 0 views

    New Delhi- The Indian police have charged six men for gang-raping a girl on a bus. The girl was thrown out of the moving bus and later died at a hospital in Singapore. A bus driver and six other people have been taken into custody at a police station in New Dehli.
Muslim Academy

norwegian massacre is due to Islamization - 0 views

    A tragic massacre occurred in Norway recently, the reason was the fear of Islam prevailing in the minds of the people. Islam is being considered a ruthless and violent religion and is thought to be dangerous for other communities who don't care for the fundamentals of Islam. The massacre happened in Oslo and nearby Utøya, and took the lives of at least 92 innocent people. Anders Behring Breivik (32) made his confession statement for the deadly massacre which he had deliberately planned in Oslo and Utøya. Anders Behring Breivik published a manuscript over the internet where he shed light upon the significant points regarding the killing of the innocent people. Anders Behring Breivik confessed that it took him nine long years to plan the deadly act, the act included the bombing and brutal killing of at least 92 innocents in Oslo and nearby Utøya. Anders Behring Breivik, Christian by belief, launched a 1500 page manuscript in which he explained all of the detailsof his act and the reasons why he did it.
Muslim Academy

Islam is not terrorism - 0 views

    Islam is one of the largest religions of the world. It believes in one God "Allah", the life after death, resurrection and the Prophet Muhammad as the last Prophet. The teachings of Islam had been revealed to various Prophets starting with Adams, but it was made perfect and complete over Prophet Muhammad through the revelation of the Holy Quran. Islam is a peaceful universal religion as it preaches the message of peace and brotherhood. However, unfortunately, today Islam is known as the religion of terrorism around the western world, especially in USA and Europe. The question that should be posed, here, is who is to blame for portraying such a bad image of the religion Islam? There is no doubt that Al-Qaeda and Taliban; these so-called Muslims are among the main reasons behind smearing the reputation of Islam. They are settled in the area of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. These terrorists kill many innocent people every day. They launch many suicidal attacks in the name of Jihad, killing thousands of innocent people.
Muslim Academy

الرئيس محمد مرسي 3 - 0 views

    الجولة الثانية كانت نتائج الجولة الأولى مخيبة لآمال القوى الثورية، فلم يدخل الإعادة أي من المرشحين المحسوبين على الثورة، بل كانت الإعادة بين ممثل النظام القديم أحمد شفيق، وبين ممثل القوى المحافظة التي تحالفت مع المجلس العسكري بعد الإطاحة بمبارك. كما كان صعود شفيق للجولة الثانية مربكاً للقوى الثورية نظراً لقوة ارتباطه بالنظام القديم، ولما يكنه من عداء للثورة ظهر في تصريحات متكررة له. فهو رجل شديد القرب من مبارك وعائلته على المستوى الشخصي، كما كان رئيساً للوزراء أثناء الثورة، وتمت الإطاحة به بعد ضغوط عديدة ومتواصلة. محمد مرسي بالطبع كانت فرصة مرسي أفضل في مواجهة مرشح الفلول من أي مرشح آخر ، فبعض القوى الثورية قاطعت وبعضها أجبر على دعم مرسي هرباً من شفيق، وظهرت دعوات لاستبعاد شفيق بتطبيق قانون العزل السياسي. ثم أطلقت مبادرة لتشكيل مجلس رئاسي مدني لمواجهة العسكر، لكن مرسي رفضها حرصاً على فرص الجماعة في السلطة. وفي المقابل أطلق تعهدات بتكوين فريق رئاسي مساعد له في حالة فوزه يمثل أطياف المجتمع. بالإضافة إلى تعهده بالإفراج عن المعتقلين و المحاكمين عسكرياً، وإعادة محاكمة رموز النظام وقتلة الشهداء. أعلن ذلك لتدعيم موقف الجماعة في مواجهة العسكر بعد أن ظهرت مؤشرات لصعود أسهم شفيق وإمكا
Muslim Academy

Iran Iraq conflict-Qassim Sulaimani role in Iran-Iraq disputes - 0 views

    When a senior Iraqi official traveled to Iran in 2007, he finally found out who was handling Iran's policy of relations with the west. Shockingly, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wasn't the one handing these relations, but actually it was the paramilitary Quds force head named Qassim Sulaimani. He stated that he holds "sole authority for Iranian actions in Iraq," saying that whatever policy was taking place in Iraq was handled by him. With the promotion last year, Qassim Sulaimani holds the highest rank in the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. He is the brain behind several policies, among them the Iranian influence towards Iraq and providing military security to President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. Qassim Sulaimani's role has created a series of conflicts with the U.S. Qassim Sulaimani tried to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States, and he is now on a list of considerable threats.
Muslim Academy

Islam: a complete code of life - 1 views

    Islam is an all-embracing way of life. It shows us how to conduct all human activities in a sound and wholesome manner. It does not allow a hierarchy of priests or intermediaries between Allah and human beings, no far-fetched abstractions and no complicated rites and rituals. Everybody can readily understand the Quran and follow in the footsteps of the Prophet, to the best of his or her ability, assured by Allah that He will accept the deeds that each soul has the ability to offer. "On no soul does Allah place a burden greater than it can bear." [Quran 2:286] When we read the Quran or the prophetic traditions, we find instructions regarding all aspects of life: political, social, economical, material, ethical, national and international. These instructions provide us with all the details needed to perform a certain act.
Muslim Academy

Islamic Culture: Why Muslims are in wrong Track? - 0 views

    Hijab is one of the most crucial Muslim cultural beliefs. Muslim women can be Hijab-less to non Mahram people for example, Muslim women do not have to cover their head and thus can show their hair to their fathers, husbands, sons, fathers and other men who are specifically allowed as "mahram" (legal). There are many fashionable Hijab now in the world. The girls look so modest and beautiful in Hijab. Hijabs are now so fashionable that many girls who are very fashion concern and smart they are now wearing Hijab. Hijab is not now considered as the criteria of ugliness even by the fashion specialists. Muslim culture, however, has showed what way woman can be modest. There are certain dress codes for the woman in Islam. If they follow the dress code, the young people will not be misguided. There are certain amazing modest dresses popular with Muslim ladies. Jibab is a very popular dress for the woman. This is very fashionable as well as modest. Muslim woman like this wonderful dress very much as wearing this they look more beautiful and modest as well. Young boys don't stare greedily at the girls wearing Jilbab not because she looks ugly rather they become bound to respect that girls for her modest dress. She doesn't look sexy in that dress rather looks civilized and disciplined.
Muslim Academy

Al-Beruni-The Pioneer Muslim Scientist - 0 views

    There have past great Muslims who have been the jewel of knowledge and a cause of great pride for the Muslim community. They have made great achievements to get their names and that of their religion in the list of people who have had their considerable part and portion in the total research and development of entire world. Some Muslims have made their name in war while others in peace. It is altogether correct to say that Muslims have been contributing in making the technologies of world which we see today. Muslims have contributed largely in medical field by the invention of several surgical equipments and methods. Apart from medicine, Muslims have contributed largely in the fields of physics and chemistry with the invention of equipments and certain chemical compounds which are in industrial use now a day giving billions to industries worldwide. The Pioneer Muslim about which you will be told is the great Abu Rehan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al Beruni. Al Beruni was a great polymath scholar who lived in the 10th and 11th century. His name is still taken as the one of the greatest scientist who ever lived and walked the ground because he was specialized in not one and two but four fields related to mathematics all of whom are separate fields of knowledge and research. Mathematics, the study of numbers and calculations through different formulae was mastered by this great Pioneer Muslim and physics the study of matter and energy was his specialty. The great Muslim achiever was able to form theories and then hypothetically present them and then prove them to the world about astronomy and natural sciences.
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