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Home/ Groups/ INBIO 104 Gene Therapy
Rebecca Polzella

Gene Therapy for Color Blindness - 0 views

    This atricle gives a description of the colorblindness and the different types and also talks about the gene therapy experiment they did on monkeys.
Ciara Wiley

Application of Gene Therapy - 1 views

    This is something that we may be able to narrow down our project to.
    These are good questions that we can use in our presentation and use the information to bring up ethical concerns of our topic.
Alyssa Comeau

Ethical Issues - 5 views

    Scroll down or click question 11 and 12. 11 is the question about the ethical issues and 12 is the question of what can be or is being down about the ethical issues.
    This is a good thing to talk about in our project
Elizabeth Amaral

EBSCOhost: New strategies for cancer gene therapy: Progress and opportunities. - 0 views

    I found this on EBSCO and there are a lot of other articles on this site too. To read this one, you have to click download PDF at the top.
Elizabeth Amaral

Science in Action: Gene Therapy for Color Blindness - 1 views

    This is pretty cool. Seems that there is a cure for color blindness, just don't know if it was tested on humans. It's still pretty cool that this worked in monkeys.
    That would be really cool if they could use gene therapy to cure color blindness.
    This is very interesting. Think of all the posibilities if color blind people could be cured! A good question to look at though is the side affects, did any of the monkey die, what are some possible sideaffects?
Rebecca Polzella

Gene Therapy and Blindness - 0 views

    This site gives a little description of how 12 individulas were able to regain some if not all their vision back by being injected with a gene therapy treatment that could possibly cure Leber's, a vision disorder. There is also a video that demonstrates how affective these injections are.
Mike LaCrosse

Genetics Home Reference - What is Gene Therapy - 4 views

    Vague site, but has some useful information on what gene therapy is.
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    I like how this website gives links to visit other sites to help us out, seems very useful
    I totally agree, very useful.
    This webstite was very helpful.. it gave a clear description of what gene therapy is.
    This site gave a great description of what gene therapy is and can be useful for other research because it gave recommended site to visit.
Alyssa Comeau

Photo - 3 views

    Here is a photo discription of gene therapy. I like the format and think it is very helpful in getting a visual.
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    I really like this photo. I think we could use it for our presentation to give the class a visual of what gene therapy is.
    This photo is really clear and easy to understand. It'd really be a good learning tool.
    I agree with everyone, having a visual like this is really helpful to others
Alyssa Comeau

Sangamo's Bet Against AIDS: Gene Therapy - 7 views

    This is a very interesting article. Timothy Brown may be the only person cured of AIDS. Brown, who lives in San Francisco, in 2007 received a stem-cell transplant in Berlin that transferred genetic material to him from one of the up to 2 percent of humans with a natural immunity to the disease. He has been off treatment since then, and no traces of the AIDS virus have been found in his body, says his hematologist, Gero Hütter, now with the German Red Cross in Mannheim. His case has encouraged tiny Sangamo BioSciences (SGMO) to develop a new form of gene therapy that could offer others the same result.
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    Fascinating! I hadn't heard of this before. Good find. You all are off to a good start and using the annotation and comment features to good effect. SW
    I found this very interesting to think they might actually have a way to cure AIDS. If they can do this, just think of the other possibilities that we could see in the future.
    This is so interesting. Maybe we could part of our project about focusing on him or even find other people who have been cured from a well known disease through gene therapy.
    I agree with Elizabeth, I think we should use this for our project and try to research other people who have tried this and whether they were successful or not.
    I saw this on a different website a little while ago and was in shock. In the field of medicine we're becoming incredibly advanced.
Rebecca Polzella

New Anti-HIV Gene Therapy Makes T-Cells Resistant to HIV Infection - 2 views

    Here is another article that is related to the use of gene therapy to cure HIV
    Very interesting, if we could make everyone resistant to HIV that would have a very possitive outlook.
Alyssa Comeau

Gene Therapy Information - 3 views

    This site is where the photo from the last blog was, and i found the information in it to be more good sutff with charts.
    oh and it has a lot of good information for the stem-cell group.
Elizabeth Amaral

Human Gene Therapy - 3 views

    This web page has so much information about human gene therapy. It gives a background of the complete history of it, gives examples of some arguments about the therapy (for and against), and it gives a ton of other outside sources and a description on them
    I really like the history on this site. It is going to be really helpful to see how this new technology has progressed and see how it is going to continue to progress.
    This is a good website. Its has a lot of information and goes into a lot of details. For our project this will have a lot of stuff we can use.
Rebecca Polzella

Gene Therapy - 2 views

    This page gives a beirf description of what gene therapy is and how it works, but also provides information about recent research and delvelopment on gene therapy.
    This could help somewhat in the Designer Children topic as well.
Ciara Wiley

Gene Therapy Overview - 3 views

    This is a good website that overviews what Gene Therapy is and gives some of the predictions of what we believe may be able to be acoomplished when Gene Therapy is mastered.
    I found this page really helpful. I like how it explains what altered genes are and then explains how they are affected by gene therapy.
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