Fear of Screens - The New Inquiry - 0 views
Donna DesRoches on 31 Jan 16I think that the use of the tools that technology now allows such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram enable us to be more empathetic - e.g. the outpouring of support for #laloche. Facebook and Twitter helped create connections that allowed people to then get together face-to-face to grieve and provide support.
Turkle too often assumes screen-mediated communication comes in only one flavor, which cannot grasp the complexities of our always augmented sociality, to say nothing of how screens are differently used by those with different abilities.
We should not conceptually preclude or discount all the ways intimacy, passion, love, joy, pleasure, closeness, pain, suffering, evil and all the visceral actualities of existence pass through the screen. “Face to face” should mean more than breathing the same air.
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