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Home/ Groups/ Disability,Sexuality,LGBTIQ
Eric Porter

Sex Smart Films: New and classic videos on sexuality, sexual health and sex education - 0 views

    sex and the disabled/sexual education
Eric Porter

Not in Our School | Not in Our Town - 0 views

shared by Eric Porter on 21 Apr 10 - Cached
    "Not in Our School Not In Our School (NIOS) is a peer-to-peer learning program that uses film and storytelling to encourage safety and inclusion."
Eric Porter

Reach Out USA GLBTQ and disability resource - 0 views

  • ReachOut USA focuses on the intersection between disability and LGBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) concerns. ReachOut USA seeks to influence the disability community to be more responsive to LGBT individuals, and at the same time it seeks to influence LGBT individuals and organizations to be more accountable to people who have disabilities.  ReachOut USA pursues these goals through advocacy, training, technical assistance, referrals, and the negotiation of partnerships.
    "ReachOut USA focuses on the intersection between disability and LGBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) concerns. ReachOut USA seeks to influence the disability community to be more responsive to LGBT individuals, and at the same time it seeks to influence LGBT individuals and organizations to be more accountable to people who have disabilities. ReachOut USA pursues these goals through advocacy, training, technical assistance, referrals, and the negotiation of partnerships."
Eric Porter

No Hate. No Fear. No Violence. - Home - 0 views

shared by Eric Porter on 21 Apr 10 - Cached
    " In 1994, Billings was rocked with a wave of hate crimes. The residents of Billings, the faith community, government leaders, labor, and community organizations pulled together to stand against hate and intolerance and to say: "NOT IN OUR TOWN". It was a movement that inspired a documentary series that has engaged communities around the world. We are here to carry forth and advance that legacy."
Eric Porter

Exposing Hidden Homophobia | Teaching Tolerance - 0 views

    teaching tolerance-Exposing Hidden Homophobia
Eric Porter

frontline: assault on gay america: how 'homophobic' are you? - 0 views

shared by Eric Porter on 21 Apr 10 - Cached
    Homophobia questionnaire
Eric Porter

glbtq: the world's largest encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and que... - 0 views

shared by Eric Porter on 21 Apr 10 - Cached
    the world's largest encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer culture
Eric Porter

TransActive - Resources - 2 views

    "Trans 101 Family Youth & Education Health & Care Legal Faith Suggested Reading"
Eric Porter

GLBT Student Pride Homepage - find GLBT student organizations, events and post your blog - 0 views

  • GLBT Student Pride is an online resource and community social networking site for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning students, their allies and others who are interested in GLBT issues.  This is the only website with a comprehensive directory of GLBT organizations on US campuses so students can find out not only what's going on on their campus, but what's happening on campuses all over the country. It enables students and educators to meet each other and collaborate.
Eric Porter

Gay Lesbian Medical Association - GLMA Home Page - 0 views

shared by Eric Porter on 20 Apr 10 - Cached
    GLMA's mission is to ensure equality in health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals and health care providers.
Eric Porter

HRC | Healthcare Equality Index - 0 views

shared by Eric Porter on 20 Apr 10 - Cached
    "The Healthcare Equality Index 2009 (released May 2009) rates 166 U.S. healthcare facilities on their policies and practices related to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. The HEI focuses on five main policy criteria: patient non-discrimination, visitation, decision making, cultural competency training and employment policies and benefits. In the Healthcare Equality Index 2009 10 facilities reported LGBT-inclusive policies and practices for every one of the 10 HEI rated criteria."
Eric Porter

untitled - 0 views

    Providing Services and Supports for Youth who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex or Two-Spirit
Eric Porter

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity - 0 views

    "Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity National School Boards Association♦s (I LIKED THE DISCLAIMER)♦ These websites may include content that does not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC or of NSBA, and listing them here does not imply endorsement of any kind. NSBA assumes no responsibility for, or any obligation to monitor the content, privacy practices, operators, availability, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, services, or other materials of these sites."
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