econd lowest across all three measures of ease of use
cloud BI options
cost as the most important limitation
product capabilities scored above average
product simplification strategy
new capabilities with a number of potential differentiators
SAP Lumira's advanced self-service data preparation and Infographics
Predictive Analytics
governed data discovery
SAP is investing
heavily in a visionary product direction with SAP Lumira and has good product scores
that have improved with the new release, and it has introduced its simplification
strategy for the BI platform components
SAP delivers a broad range of BI and analytic capabilities
WebFOCUS platform is well-architected
and offers a broad array of functionality
execution is hampered by perpetually
modest growth and customer adoption
pervasive BI solutions for a high volume of mainstream
Two major trends / differentiators fall right into the sweet spot I adore:
New demands for advanced analytics
Focus on predictive/prescriptive capabilities
Veel geopenbaarde documenten op BigWobber gaan over de ambities van de overheid om open standaarden in te zetten. Hierdoor kunnen burgers en ambtenaren beter communiceren en neemt de afhankelijkheid van leveranciers af. Maar om van een plan tot succes te komen is een hele toer. Diverse Wob-verzoeken behandelde dit onderwerp al. Maar nog niet veel op landelijk niveau. Toch: als in Den Haag plannen worden gemaakt, is het de vraag hoe goed zij zijn zich los te worstelen. Het monsterproject DWR (Digitale Werkomgeving Rijksdienst) moet rijksambtenaren voorzien van een desktop en kost 65 miljoen.
Jive Positioned in the Leaders Quadrant of the Magic Quadrant for Social Software for the Workplace
need to support community hubs, idea sharing, expertise location, project teams, social intranets, collaborative document authoring and better communication
Jive Positioned in the Leaders Quadrant of the Magic Quadrant for Externally Facing Social Software
Social software for external users offers opportunities for initiatives that enterprises have not been able to undertake before, such as engaging large numbers of customers in two-way exchanges
Oracle ECM: Rated a "Leader" In Gartner Magic Quadrant
Oracle UCM rated highly in Gartner's latest mystic grid magic
quadrant. They were ranked as leaders, along with IBM/FileNet, EMC,
Microsoft, and OpenText. You can see
the article for yourself, to compare Oracle versus the rest of the leaders.
Semantic Exchange is a collaborative industry
news, research, and education initiative about all things web 3.0 and semantic
web, and sponsored by industry leading semantic technology providers.