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Educating the Public on the Public's Terms: An Open Letter to Academics - 0 views

    The problem is that when we only publish and read one another's articles written in language that only we understand, and assign them to our students to be discussed under our guidance, we remain within this chamber, secure from the public and its plainspoken forum. From the outside, that chamber appears impenetrable and self-sustaining while having little impact on the actual world of how educational policies come into being and get institutionalized in schools. The metaphor of the ivory tower, after all, is not used to characterize academics with respect and admiration, but to depict their isolation from reality.

Use of Research Evidence: Building Two-Way Streets | Children's Bureau | Administration... - 0 views

    When effectively applied, research and evaluation have the potential to improve child welfare practice and outcomes for children, youth, and families. In this video, Dr. Vivian Tseng challenges the traditional paradigm of moving from "research to practice."
Steve Zuiker

IES National Center for Research on Policy & Practice - 1 views

  • develop a set of survey measures, interview protocols, observation protocols, and qualitative coding guides that will focus on research use
  • In this 18-month comparative case study, four districts will be selected and followed to investigate their decision-making processes. Each district will have different research use characteristics: (1) one will be low on connections to outside sources of research and low on organizational routines and tools that enable research use; (2) the second will be low on connections to outside sources of research and high on organizational routines and tools that enable research use; (3) that the third will be high on connections to outside sources of research and low on organizational routines and tools that enable research use; and (4) is the fourth will be high on connections to outside sources of research and high on organizational routines and tools that enable research use.
  • examine purposeful attempts to increase research use by promoting greater interaction between researchers and practitioners
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • a mixed-method, cross-case design to examine three different types of research-practitioner partnerships: research alliances; design research partnerships; and networked improvement communities
Steve Zuiker

Penuel, Briggs, Harvard, Northwestern Awarded $5M for National Center for Research in P... - 1 views

  • Professors Bill Penuel (EPSY) and Derek Briggs (REM) have received a $5 million grant to create and lead a new National Center for Research in Policy and Practice, together with colleagues Cynthia Coburn, of the University of California, Berkeley, Graduate School of Education; Heather Hill, of the Harvard Graduate School of Education; and James Spillane of the Northwestern University School of Education and Social Policy.
  • a new center that will study how educational leaders—including school district supervisors and principals—use research when making decisions and what can be done to make research findings more useful and relevant for those leaders.
  • focusing on three areas: measuring current research use in schools, identifying what conditions affect when research is used, and determining ways that research could be made more meaningful for educational leaders through long-term partnerships between researchers and practitioners.
Steve Zuiker

K-12 Partnerships | School of Education | University of Colorado Boulder - 0 views

  • The School of Education maintains long-standing partnerships with school districts in the Denver-Boulder metropolitan area. District partners improve the quality of university programs by sending clinical professors to team-teach at CU-Boulder and by providing practicum and student teaching experiences for our students. Likewise, CU faculty members work with teachers on implementing research-based practices and evaluating curriculum and instruction. Partner districts also participate in the Partners in Education (PIE) program, which is a Master’s degree pathway for new teachers that offers extensive professional development with expert mentors
Steve Zuiker

VIVO CU-Boulder - 0 views

    UC-Boulder campus-wide "research and expertise discovery tool that enables collaboration among researchers across all disciplines"
Steve Zuiker

William T Grant > News - Trust and the Use of Research Evidence - 0 views

  • the situations in which people may use research evidence typically place people in relation to others.
  • the use of research evidence requires acts of meaning-making and judgment from the people who must interpret this evidence, determine its significance and relevance, and discern contexts for its potential implementation.
  • Trust appeared not as a precondition or an outcome of their deliberations, but as an activity that unfolded through deliberations.
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  • levels of trust in relationships among decision-makers—as well as between decision-makers and others, like support staff, who provide them information for decision-making—influence their receptivity to all types of evidence, including research evidence
  • I have considered practices that deliberators may pursue to build trust in their relationships: flexibility, forthrightness, engagement, and heedfulness.  Practicing flexibility entails treating other positions as potentially reasoned and justifiable.  Forthrightness consists of speaking honestly and sincerely.  Engagement means learning about perspectives and positions different from one’s own.  Heedfulness involves committing oneself to decisions reached through deliberation.
Steve Zuiker

Tableau Software Helps Big Data Become More Visual & More Storified - 0 views

  • In the new version, Tableau 8.2, people are encouraged to shift from making individual maps, bar charts and fever lines that illustrate information. Instead, Tableau has added a series of narrative boxes that go above each chart; clicked through in order, the charts should be better at using different data points to prove an overall case.
  • Data has moved from something that is painstakingly collected, stored and downloaded to something that more often automatically streams online.
  • we are starting to think of information in more dynamic ways, and need to visualize information as something that changes over time. That is a big change from a typical PowerPoint presentation, which presents data in more static ways.
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  • At its best, this could mean we’ll move from seeing projections of data less as a single concept, which must be digested and then considered against another distinct point. Instead, it could be more of a fluid persuasion, based on lots of related information.
  • Tableau is hardly alone in this shift to dynamic illustration. Stamen Design, a company based in San Francisco that has worked for Google and Facebook, increasingly uses animations of data points. A company called ClearStory Data helps people move through mountains of big data by interactive charts and maps. Even Microsoft offers animations as an addition to its PowerPoint product.
    one basic example of approaching big data with nuance - storytelling here but not in the vein of McDermott, R. (2010). The passions of learning in tight circumstances: Toward a political economy of the mind. NSSE Yearbook, 109(1).
Gustavo Fischman

The Faculty Media Impact Project - 1 views

    The Faculty Media Impact Project assesses the degree to which faculty share their research with the broader public. Given that much, perhaps most, of academic research is publicly funded today, the media citations draw attention to the scholars who offer something back to society. The formula for establishing rankings highlights this emphasis: the total average citation score of individuals within a department or school is divided by the percentage of that department's or school's public funding.
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