Rankings totally different [high impact] - SGE's method of selecting and ranking pages it shows is completely different from traditional ranking factors. This could have high impact on sites currently ranking high for keywords.
Local results sub par [low impact] - SGE's presentation of local results is clearly not as good as the traditional results, so if it remains as it currently is, users will probably prefer not using it.
Shopping results limit traffic opportunities [high impact] - Shopping results could have a high impact if you are not showing up in Google's product results. No web results are shown, so some brand sites will lose traffic.
Top of funnel research useful (but you may be left out!) [high impact] - Informational searches could have a high impact if your brand isn't included. The key to getting included seems to be getting mentioned in third party lists that SGE depends on heavily.
Intent sometimes “off” [low impact] - SGE is very bad at understanding the intent of queries. If users see this mismatch often, it may sour them to using SGE.