How Big is My Dinosaur? - P21 - 0 views
Block G - Dinosaur DIY | Hamilton Trust - 0 views
Leesburg Elementary School Fourth Graders Engineer Roller Coaster - 0 views
A Roller Coaster Ride of Science! - 0 views
Ms. Whitney - PBL - 0 views
GCATeachers - Virtual Field Trips - 0 views
Adding to My Classroom Innovation Toolkit | The Future of K-12 Education - 0 views
Adding 2 classroom innovation toolkit HT @boadams1 @claychristensen @Jeffrey_Dyer @HalGregersen @ewanmcintosh #elc14
Adding 2 classroom innovation toolkit HT @boadams1 @claychristensen @Jeffrey_Dyer @HalGregersen @ewanmcintosh #elc14
Remainders - 0 views
When Kids Engage In "Making," Are They Learning Anything? « Annie Murphy Paul - 0 views
In all, self-directed maker activities may have students expending a lot of time and effort—and scarce cognitive resources—on activities that don’t help them learn.
cognitive load researchers caution that learning and creating are distinct undertakings, each of which competes with the other for limited mental reserves.
The best way to ensure learning, these researchers maintain, is to provide direct instruction: clear, straightforward explanation, offered before any making has begun.
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Curiosity Hacked - 0 views
"CURIOSITY HACKED EDUCATOR WORKSHOP JUNE 15TH - 17TH OR JUNE 29TH - JULY 1ST ($30) Educators can spend three days with us, learning about our approach to creating/supporting a more learner-centered classroom through mentorship, hands-on making, and hacking to integrate skill building into existing curriculum. Participants will be gaining new skills and get training on equipment to enhance their own visions as well as those of their students. This workshop is free (thanks to a generous grant) and CH will offer a Professional Development certificate, space is limited. Fee confirms your seat and lunch included. Register!"
A sensitivity to the designed dimension of objects and systems,
The second part of the sentence mentions both the inclination and the capacity to make (or remake) things.
students often fail to develop the habits of mind we as educators aim to inculcate, not because they cannot do something, and not because they don’t want to, but mainly because they do not notice opportunities to do so. In other words,they lack a sensitivityto notice opportunities to do things.
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Maker Education and Experiential Education | User Generated Education - 0 views
Why Don't Makers Have Higher Social Status? | TechCrunch - 0 views
The creative economy is supposedly taking over, and we are commanded by pundits to nurture our children’s creative talents so that we can help them race against automation in the labor markets. Then we look at American high schools, and find a focus on anything but making. Shop classes, art studios, electronics labs, and student newspapers are disappearing, and higher-level computer science is no longer offered in the Advanced Placement curriculum.
When there is space for creativity in school curriculums, teachers and administrators are positive and supportive, but that support seems to completely wither away when a student suddenly desires to do what they love as their job.