Free, online CAD software with a blocks-based design familiar to Scratch users. Simple idea, yet mastery requires students (or adults) to understand and apply some serious math and engineering concepts.
Nice site to teach kids how to create and code mobile apps. Very good, easy to follow tutorials, and apps can (for a fee) actually be sold through the Vizwik app store or other app stores.
Arduino-based kits let students design and test experiments and then upload them to actual Cubesat satellites, where their experiments will be conducted and results sent back to students. Kits start at only $150.
Not new, but worth saving--free tool to record and share podcasts via link or embed code. Great for newbies and young students--no registration required.
Fun site adds video clips of movie or television characters saying the words that users enter, using a computer generated voice for any words it doesn't know. Fun way for kids to tell a short story!