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If you haven't started yet the site is A good reference as to what it should look like is the contemporary issues and colonialism pages, done by Jeff. If everyone's pages ...
Early on the islands were eventually divided up between the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom (Samoa Tripartite Convention). Germany took Western Samoa, the US accepted Tutuila and Man...
French were actually 2nd Europeans in Samoa led by Louis-Antoine de Bougainville. Dutch Roggeveen was first but did not really have any contact with the islanders.
Despite its reputation as an exotic far-away land Samoa was in fact as busy as a shopping mall from the mid-1770s when trading ships, sailing along the spice route and looking for the Great Souther...
The Samoan people have up to twenty dwellers in their homes at the same time; all family, these people do not concern themselves with privacy. Everything is done together and as many ancient cultur... This article talks about most branches of the Simoan Government and also talks about how long each term of office is and talks abo...
ABOUT SAMOA - POLITICS Samoa is a democracy with its own flavor. The unicameral parliament, the Fono or Legislative Assembly, operates as a party political system, and is led by a prime minister, ...
I have more written down but just a few bullets opposing language's effect on thought: - conciousness regardless of language - colors - language limiting thought - America be different if English w...