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Verónica Pena

Teens aren't abandoning "social." They're just using the word correctly. - Understandin... - 0 views

  • Teenagers are probably not shouting this about “social” from the rooftops, but they could. Maybe they should.You see, we’ve come to define “social” in unintentional Orwellian double-speak. “Social” has come to mean the exact opposite of what it’s meant for centuries. Instead of actual interaction and communication, we define “social” as once- or twice-removed ego validation through button-clicking.“Social” is what happens when someone posts personal information—photos, thoughts, announcements, favorite songs, jokes—on the internet and another person comes along and clicks a thumbs up icon or a star or a heart. If someone’s really “social,” they’ll even type a comment or reply.Kids aren’t leaving social networks. They’re redefining the word “social.” Rather, they’re actually using the word with the intent of its original meaning: making contact with other human beings. Communicating. Back-and-forth, fairly immediate dialogue. Most of it digitally. But most of it with the intent of a conversation where two (or more) people are exchanging information and emotion. Not posting it. Exchanging it.That’s “social.” That’s why they’re increasingly skipping over static, interface-based URLs and apps in order to define “social” as messaging services.
    • Verónica Pena
      Excelente artículo sobre lectura y escritura de jóvenes en las redes sociales.
  • Kids still text. No doubt. Between my two girls, there were more than 5,000 mobile, over-the-network cell-tower-based texts sent or received in March 2013. That’s fairly incomprehensible to me, but it’s also almost 2,000 texts off of their peak about a year ago. I suspect that has a lot to do with them using an “older” social channel that’s seeing a resurgence, as well as usage of two of the “social” apps that teens mentioned as “write-ins” on the Piper Jaffray social media survey.
Verónica Pena

Promotora Española de Lingüística - Presentación - 0 views

    "Promotora Española de Lingüística (Proel) es una organización registrada en el Ministerio del Interior, que colabora con varias entidades, especialmente con la organización internacional SIL (SUMMER INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTICS, en castellano ILV--INSTITUTO LINGÜÍSTICO DE VERANO), para impulsar el desarrollo lingüístico de las lenguas minoritarias, tanto en España como en el mundo."
Verónica Pena

Ancient Scripts: About Ancient Scripts - 0 views

    "The aim of Ancient Scripts is not to replace texts books or instructional web sites. Instead, it is designed to give an introduction to writing systems, which hopefully will tantalize the reader into searching for more information on the web or in books and publications. Here's the disclaimer: I am not a linguist. It's my hobby (even though it consumes a lot of my time). I've been a computer scientist since the age of 8, and that's what I do to make a living."
Verónica Pena

About Omniglot - 0 views

    "Omniglot was set up in 1998 by me, Simon Ager, and I have been maintaining and developing the site since then. Many other people have made contributions of new material, corrections and suggestions, for which I'm profoundly grateful."
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