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Browse Groups By Category: Schools & Education (totally 2477)
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Grupo para compartir información sobre el aprendizaje en red y en la red
Educators exploring gaming and virtual worlds in education.
This is a group of people interested in learning more about using MOODLE with people who need to learn. It need not be limited, but it was started as an initiative of Group Seven (G7) within the second...
Groupe pour partager ses connaissances sur les applications ipad pour les bibliothécaires et les professionnels de l'information. Licence professionnelle Rennes 2
This is for all the links that we collect from the web.
Mediated mobilities wed 10am Steph Olivia Justine Alice
Collaborative space for research about child labor in Africa. This group is hosted by Mr. Moran at A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School. Students in the World Geo Lit class will add resources as we prep...
This group is for social bookmarking in Radney's PHIL 1110 Critical Thinking class at TRU.
Eine kollaborative Linksammlung zur Beschreibung der Schnittmenge zwischen Web 2.0 und Bildung sowie Soziales. A collaborative bookmark collection for the description of overlaps between Web 2.0 and e...
Discussions of improving student achievement through systematic use of data-driven decision making. Group is open to all who have an interest in the topic..
"Colabora E & A XXI" é um espaço criado pelo Grupo Educações & Aprendizagens XXI, para compartilhamento de COCuradorias de membros do grupo e interessados que desejem participar no espaço diigo. ...
Bucknell's Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship Group
A place to discuss the importance of environmental education in the classroom, on Earth Day and every day.
Compartimos recursos para la educación en Imágenes. We share resources for education in images. Compartim recursos educatius en imatges. Compartilhar recursos para a educação em imagens.
Using Diigo as a bookmarking hub to share resources.
TLT Group - Teaching and Learning with Technology
Grupo creado para recopilar enlaces interesantes sobre nuestra materia. <br /><br />Como apuntaron Carlos Cabanillas y Joaquín Mesa, tal vez sería bueno un acuerdo mínimo en las etiquetas: nivel edu...
This free Diigo social bookmarking group is a mashup to the Ning social network Second Life Education Videos "Video Resumes", whose objective is to provide a meeting place to explore the production and...